Friday, July 28, 2017

Building the Ranks

DRPSD is Building Ranks in August

In the last few months DRPSD has seen a slump in activity and it is in all of our best interest as tankers to change this trend. The clan officer's are in agreement we want to open up to more members and encourage everyone to lead us into the next round of clan wars and build clan revenue through skirmishes.

Industrial Resource Requirement

This requirement will continue past this month but the month of August will set the stage for a standard Industrial Resource (IR) requirement. Specifically, all members will be required to produce weekly IR. For those not aware, IR is earned by participating in skirmishes (Tier VI, VIII, X) and is not limited to a DRPSD Field Commander.
Any WOT player can participate by selecting Stronghold from the battle type selection and finding a team to play on. While it is encouraged to start a DRPSD skirmish, this is not required for you to earn the required IR.

How much IR is required?

If you are a non ranked clan member (i.e. non officer) you will be required to earn 10 IR a week. This amount of earnings is basically winning a single match in Tier VI and is a fair minimum. If you are wanting the clan to succeed and enjoy getting those awesome clan bonuses (XP, credits, gold) than you should do your best and get far beyond that.
For reference, Tier VI has a typical earning for victory of about 10 IR. Tier VIII has about 20 and Tier X has about 40 per player. You earn more if you did more in the battle and of course if the team wins.

Become and Officer

Are you interested in attaining DRPSD rank? DRPSD will promote members that can maintain weekly IR earnings of 100+ to officer level. The specific role will be determined by other officers and the member being promoted (roles have different responsibilities). This also gets you additional Discord channel access to find out inner workings of the clan.

This also means if an officer does not maintain a steady IR earning the member could be demoted. During the month of August DRPSD will not demote or kick anyone for this new requirement, however you will receive warnings from clan members and officers encouraging you to get on board and start earning. After the month of August the requirement will be strict and if not followed could result in member demotion or removal. If a member will be inactive for a period of time they can prevent this by reaching out to a ranked member and letting them know they may not be on for some period of time. Requested lapse of earnings should not exceed more than 3 weeks of time.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

DRPSD Challenges

DRPSD Announcement

The growth and success of the DRPSD clan over the months has proven it will continue to earn more, build better players, and reward the top earners. The last few months have provided gold with clan war contribution. This combined with wargaming changes to skirmishes and strongholds ensures a continuing success.

New Challenges

As we roll into spring DRPSD is going to provide a new means of earning and provide a platform for friendly competition. Each clan member will have access to additional rewards including gold and premium tanks. These rewards will be provided in a weekly fashion for a consistent clan benefit.

Challenges will be put up through the announcement channel and wargaming portal. Details will be provided here on DRPSD. Interaction with the website is not required, but encouraged as it helps provide for clan challenges and earnings. Details however will be relayed primarily through the website to promote traffic. Participants can use RSS feeds or simply observe clan portal or discord announcements to see new postings. 

DRPSD Challenge Definition

In order to qualify for the challenges a participant must be an active clan earner, which shall also be referred to as an active clan member or simply the state active. 
This means they must earn at least 50 industrial resources according to monthly earnings.

The challenge will be of varying difficulty and in most cases be competitive play with other clan members. The challenges are intended to be for fun, to help promote clan participation, and to help clan members earn more. All members are qualified for all challenges regardless of rank. Challenges are issued by either the clan DRPSD to all its members or by a DRPSD member to other DRPSD members.

Clan Challenges

All clan challenges are sourced from the DRPSD website. They will be open to all active Derpers. Challenges will vary but in general use the following themes
  • Recruitment
  • Industrial Resource Earnings
  • Time with tank Availability

Personnel Challenges

Each active member can issue a challenge, but the activity and reward must be clear and the challenge reward must be upheld. Challenges can be communicated through the clan discord #clan_challenges channel. Player submitted challenges can be restricted to specific players or non-officers but must clearly state so in any public announcement. 

DRPSD Weekly IR Earner

At the core a clan is only as strong as its industrial earnings. Earning more IR means bigger XP and credit boosts so the clan will pay the top earner for each week in gold. Top earner for the week shall be observed Friday @ 7:00 PM CST. Each week the highest weekly earner will be rewarded 100 Gold
from the clan treasury. In conjunction with the payout, the top earner may choose any already prepped clan resource for activation (up to 2 hour delay allowed). 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

DRPSD WOT Campaign Rewards

Earn Additional Rewards with DRPSD Campaign Rewards

DRPSD is going to promote the WOT Campaigns such as Operation T28 Heavy Tank Concept (Actual campaign tier does not matter, all campaigns apply) by offering gold to the first DRPSD platoon that helps the DRPSD clan member finish mission track.

How does it work?

  • The member that finishes the track must have all missions in the campaign for that classification (Light, Heavy etc.) "Completed" (With honors does not matter).
  • The player must screen shot finishing the "**-15" accomplishment being rewarded.
  • Player must be in a DRPSD platoon at the time (include in screen shot)
  • Submit Screen shot through Discord #clan_roster chat channel
  • First Platoon to accomplish this gets 100 Gold Each
You read that correctly. Each player in the platoon (including those that helped the member pass the mission track) will earn 100 Gold. While you do not actually need to be in a platoon to pass level 15 (level 13 and 14 require it) the idea is to promote team synergy to blend over into clan wars. Work with each other picking tanks you need to help each other pass the mission tracks. Not only will you earn from wargamming, but DRPSD will reward your finishing team as well.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekly Gold Payouts for DRPSD Clan Members

Earn 500 Gold a Week in DRPSD Skirmishing!

Top Industrial Resource earner of the DRPSD clan will earn 500 Gold on each Friday at 2200 CST if they are the list as the Top Earner for Industrial resources from the Stronghold view. If they have already earned 500 Gold that month, they will instead earn 100 Gold and the next top earner earning the remaining (100 if they have earned it and so on).

Earn this through any means such as leading a skirmish full of legionaries or earning your rank as an officer and scheduling attacks against the enemy strongholds or even their provinces. Build up a team and communicate your plan through the DRPSD Discord server to maximize clan assistance. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

DRPSD Pushes Onward

DRPSD Readies for Clan Wars!

In order to prepare for clan wars and our members to start earning gold DRPSD will undergo some changes and looks to its members to keep moral high and involvement to be top notch.

Weekly Payouts

DRPSD needs to accumulate resources and regularly. To drive incentive DRSPD we continue to pay out gold for resources but is switching to a weekly payout that will payout its top earners of that week. Payouts will vary based on income and treasury but will start out at 500 Gold!


DRPSD will now have a communication mandate of using the discord server. All clan members are expected to participate in clan discussions using the DRPSD official server. This is effectively immediately and all clan members are urged to use the thick client, but the web based client is sufficient. It is expected the clan members be active online through discord services when playing WOT. Those not seen online through discord but active in WOT will be asked to comply.
It is our belief this will ensure large activity for stronghold activation and eventually clan wars.